Sunday, 15 March 2015

Pervasive Gaming

I had never heard of the killer games before, however now I have I really want to play it. It is the sort of game where people could get really competitive, like eddy stated you can do anything you want to achieve your goal its the ultimate paideia game. The only downside I can see from this game is people who are not aware you are playing could get drawn in. When I heard of this game my mind immediately jumped to a you tube video I watched of two pranksters who where pretending to rob people at cash machines,  it goes horribly wrong one of them ends up with a broken nose. Its the theme if you panic people they become unpredictable so running around pretending your murdering someone could have unexpected consequences. It all comes back to Huizinga’s assertion that play is “outside ‘ordinary’ life”. while playing might be outside ordinary life it can effect ordinary life, someone leaves a suspicious packages outside while playing killer, someone who isn't playing gets scared and calls the police.

I do not think the fact these games blend into real life is a bad thing, its mainly because they are attached to murder themes or war themes if you could find a non violent theme and make it work people would be playing these sort of games a lot more.

I  think with mobiles these games could become very popular. I was thinking of a massive game of tag you download the app when someone else who has the app is nearby it notifies you and sends a picture of your target. it notifies your target you are nearby but doesn't show who you are. you have to tag them within a certain time.

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